About us

Marilyn Rimmer, RN
Owned her first Portuguese Water Dog (PWD) in  the spring of 1984.
Her first litter of PWD  in November 1, 1987
AKC Conformation Judge for Portuguese Water Dogs & Samoyeds
Active Member of the Portuguese Water Dog Club of America
Founding Member of the Southern California Portuguese Water Dog Club
Member of The Portuguese Water Dog Cub of America Judge Education Committee
Former Member of The Portuguese Water Dog Cub of America  Breeders Development Committee
Served on the  Board of the Portuguese Water Dog Club of America
AKC Breeder of Merit since 2011.
Conformation Judge for the 2017 PWDCA National Specialty

Marilyn's Philosophy
The philosophy that I have used in my breeding program has been influenced with maintaining breed type, temperament and health. Correct movement, i.e., reach and drive and clean coming and going are equally important, as I feel only then , will one see a structurally sound dog. Add to those important pieces the pedigree, working drive, a good head, eye color, coat texture and color, and you will start to understand my philosophy and goals as a breeder.
          As a breeder, I believe it is very important to pair a puppy with the correct owner. Each puppy is unique in appearance and in temperament. It is crucial to learn about the puppies’ temperament as well as the new owners and find the best home for that puppy. As a breeder, this is the most important issues when placing puppies.
          My family's first PWD, Weathervane's Preitu Cereias, "Cere," appeared in our lives in the spring of 1984. She was shipped sight unseen, from a breeder in Pennsylvania. At the time my children were eight and five and we were sailors, so a PWD seemed like the perfect fit for us and the boat. Although not at all planned, Cere became Questar's foundation bitch. She is Rascal's great grandma and Riley's great, great grandma.
         My involvement in becoming a PWD breeder can be blamed on Maryanne Murray and Karen Arends. Cere was almost three years old and my veterinarian was questioning me about spaying her. I felt I should contact someone for an opinion concerning this topic, so I called Maryanne. Maryanne owned Cere's sire, Keel Tonel, and she referred me on to call Karen who she said owned a very nice male, "BoBo, " CH. Trezena Benquisto, CD. Karen evaluated Cere and her health stats for breeding to BoBo and their litter was born November 1, 1987. Three of the six puppies became champions from that litter and we were hooked.
        MSBIS, BIS CH. Questar's Thunder And Lightning, CGC, RN, NA, NAJ, AOM, "Rascal," is a puppy from a repeat breeding of CH. Pinehaven The Pretender, NA, NAJ, AWD, BROM and BOSS CH. Questar's Athena Nike. Their first litter had produced some very nice puppies of which CH. Questar's Rocketman at Highwood and CH. Questar's Shooting Star had been produced. When Rascal was first born he was a standout. One could easily pick him out in the litter as the best. I remember my son, Logan, commenting immediately after he was born: "Here's the Rocket from this litter." I was very fortunate that all of his other pieces which are important to me, temperament, type, health and movement, also fell into place.


Logan Ott, BA, KPA-CTP
Over 25 years of experience with Portuguese Water Dogs
Member of Rio Salgado PWD Club of Arizona
Previous Member of Southern California Portuguese Water Club
2018, 2019 & 2020  Board Member for the PWDCA 
2020 & 2021 Technology and Internet Committee (TIC) Chair for PWDCA
AKC Conformation Judge for Portuguese Water Dogs